Example using play-soap-plugin with sbt-cxf plugin

Add dependency and plugin into your project in project/plugins.sbt:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq("" % "play-soap-plugin" % "2.0.0")

addSbtPlugin("io.paymenthighway.sbt" % "sbt-cxf" % "1.6")

Add the plugin configuration to the build.sbt file. Additional arguments needed to generate java classes for our web-service WSDLs should be added as parameters to the cxfWSDLs setting:


val CxfVersion = "3.3.3"

version in CXF := CxfVersion

cxfWSDLs := Seq(
  Wsdl("HelloWorld",(Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "helloWorld.wsdl",
  Seq("-fe", "play", "-xjc-Xplay:lang scala", "-xjc-Xplay:target play"))