Using sbt WSDL


To install sbt WSDL into your Play project, add the following lines to your project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-play-soap" % "1.2.0") // requires sbt 1.x, the last version with support for sbt 0.13.18 is 1.1.3

The plugin is automatically activated on install, and this will also cause the necessary Play SOAP client libraries to be added to your project.

Supplying WSDLs

There are two ways to supply WSDLs to the plugin. One is to configure a URL or set of URLs to point the compiler at. This can be done by using the wsdlUrls setting:

WsdlKeys.wsdlUrls in Compile += url("")

Notice that the setting must be in the compile scope - WSDL’s can also be compiled just for the Test scope too.

The other is to place WSDLs in the conf/wsdls directory for a Play project, or in src/main/wsdl for an ordinary SBT project. You can also use both local files and urls.

Configuring WSDL compilation

Selecting the future API

sbt WSDL can generate clients to either return scala.concurrent.Future for Scala projects, or java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage for Java projects. If your project is a Play project, the future API will automatically be selected based on whether you enabled the PlayJava or PlayScala plugin. If it’s an ordinary sbt project, it will default to scala.concurrent.Future. This can be configured to use the Java promise using the futureApi setting:

WsdlKeys.futureApi := WsdlKeys.PlayJavaFutureApi

Configuring the package name

By default, all WSDLs will be generated into a package structure that matches the namespace in the WSDL. For example, if you have a WSDL that defines a targetNamespace="", the package that the client will be generated into will be com.example.

The package can be configured in many ways. One way is to override it globally, that is, for all WSDLs and namespaces, this can be done using the packageName setting:

WsdlKeys.packageName := Some("com.mycompany.example")

Additionally, individual namespaces can be configured using the packageMappings setting:

WsdlKeys.packageMappings += ("" -> "com.mycompany.example")

Both packageName and packageMappings can be used together, packageMappings will take precedence over packageName.

Configuring the service name

The service name from the WSDL can be overridden if desired, using the serviceName setting:

WsdlKeys.serviceName := Some("MyService")

Advanced configuration

Supplying additional arguments to wsdl2java

sbt WSDL is built on top of the Apache CXF wsdl2java tool. Many of the options that it supports can also be used when you’re using sbt WSDL. To see a full list of options supported by Apache CXF, run sbt wsdlHelp. These options can then be configured in your build by adding them to the wsdlArgs setting.

For example, if you the WSDL contains an operation called sayHello, and you want this to be generated using wrapper style (that is, all the arguments to the method are passed using a single object that wraps them), you could add the following configuration:

WsdlKeys.wsdlToCodeArgs += "-bareMethods=sayHello"

Using different configurations for different WSDL files

In some cases you may want to have completely different configurations for different WSDL files - or you may want to use the same WSDL file to generate two different clients. This can be done using the wsdlTasks task. By default, this task is built by combining all the settings used above, but if you override it, then the settings above will be ignored.

Each wsdl generation task that is executed is defined by the following case class:

case class WsdlTask(
  url: URL,
  futureApi: FutureApi = ScalaFutureApi,
  packageName: Option[String] = None,
  packageMappings: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
  serviceName: Option[String] = None,
  args: Seq[String] = Nil

Let’s say you have one WSDL on the filesystem in src/main/wsdl/foo.wsdl, and you want it generated into the package using the Scala future API, and another WSDL at that you want generated into the package using the Java future API, then you could configure that like this:

WsdlKeys.wsdlTasks in Compile := Seq(
  WsdlKeys.WsdlTask((sourceDirectory.value / "wsdl" / "foo.wsdl").toURI.toURL),
    packageName = Some("")
    futureApi = WsdlKeys.PlayJavaFutureApi,
    packageName = Some("")