Anorm 2.5 Migration Guide

This is a guide for migrating from Anorm 2.4 to Anorm 2.5. If you need to migrate from an earlier version of Anorm then you must first follow the Anorm 2.4 Migration Guide.

Type safety

Passing anything different from string or symbol as parameter name is no longer support (previously deprecated anorm.features.parameterWithUntypedName).

val untyped: Any = "name"

// No longer supported (won't compile)
SQL("SELECT * FROM Country WHERE {p}").on(untyped -> "val")

Similarly, passing untyped value as parameter is no longer supported (previously deprecated anorm.features.anyToStatement).

val v: Any = "untyped"

// No longer supported (won't compile)
SQL"INSERT INTO table(label) VALUES($v)"

It’s still possible to pass an opaque value as parameter. In this case at your own risk, setObject will be used on statement.

val anyVal: Any = myVal
SQL"UPDATE t SET v = ${anorm.Object(anyVal)}"

Type mappings

More conversions are available.

Numeric types

Column conversions for numeric types have been improved.

There are new conversions extending column support.

Column (JDBC type) (as) JVM/Scala type
Short BigInteger
Short Long
Short Int
Byte BigInteger
Byte Long
Byte Int

Temporal types

Column conversions are provided for the following temporal types.

Column (JDBC type) (as) JVM/Scala type
Date LocalDate1
Long LocalDate
Timestamp LocalDate
Timestamp wrapper2 LocalDate


Joda LocalDateTime and LocalDate are supported as parameter, passed as Timestamp. The following JDBC column types can also be parsed as LocalDateTime or LocalDate: Date, Long, Timestamp or Wrapper (any type providing .getTimestamp).


The macros namedParser[T] or indexedParser[T] (or parser[T](names)) can be used to create a RowParser[T] at compile-time, for any case class T.

import anorm.{ Macro, RowParser }

case class Info(name: String, year: Option[Int])

val parser: RowParser[Info] = Macro.namedParser[Info]
val result: List[Info] = SQL"SELECT * FROM list".as(parser.*)


The new SqlParser.folder make it possible to handle columns that are not strictly defined (e.g. with types that can vary).

import anorm.{ RowParser, SqlParser }

val parser: RowParser[Map[String, Any]] =
  SqlParser.folder(Map.empty[String, Any]) { (map, value, meta) =>
    Right(map + (meta.column.qualified -> value))

val result: List[Map[String, Any]] = SQL"SELECT * FROM dyn_table".as(parser.*)