Anorm for PostgreSQL
This module provides optional conversions for PostgreSQL.
Add to your project
You will need to add this module to your dependencies (along with Anorm core and JDBC):
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.playframework.anorm" %% "anorm-postgres" % "2.7.0"
It’s possible to pass a JsValue
or a JsObject
as parameter. In this case the PostgreSQL JSONB
type will be used to store the value.
import java.sql._
import anorm._, postgresql._
import play.api.libs.json._
def jsObjectParameter(implicit con: Connection) = {
val obj = Json.obj("bar" -> 1)
SQL"""INSERT INTO test(id, json) VALUES (${"foo"}, $obj)""".executeUpdate()
The utility anorm.postgresql.asJson
support the typeclass Writes
, to store as JSONB
any Scala type that can be encoded as JsValue
or JsObject
import java.sql._
import anorm._, postgresql._
import play.api.libs.json._
sealed trait MyEnum
case object Bar extends MyEnum
case object Lorem extends MyEnum
// Define the typeclass instance
implicit val w: Writes[MyEnum] = Writes[MyEnum] {
case Bar => Json.obj("bar" -> 1)
case Lorem => Json.obj("lorem" -> 2)
def usingWrites(implicit con: Connection) = {
val jsonParam = asJson[MyEnum](Lorem)
SQL"INSERT INTO test(id, json) VALUES(${"x"}, ${jsonParam})".executeUpdate()
The module also makes it possible to read JSON from PostgreSQL, from column whose types is either JSONB
or any textual representation (CLOB
, …).
import java.sql._
import anorm._, postgresql._
import play.api.libs.json._
def selectJsValue(implicit con: Connection) =
SQL"""SELECT json FROM test WHERE id = ${"foo"}""".
def selectJsObject(implicit con: Connection) =
SQL"""SELECT json FROM test WHERE id = ${"foo"}""".
As for the typeclass Writes
, the Reads
one to decode JSON is supported using anorm.postgresql.fromJson
import java.sql._
import anorm._, postgresql._
import play.api.libs.json._
sealed trait MyEnum
case object Bar extends MyEnum
case object Lorem extends MyEnum
// Define the typeclass instance
implicit val r: Reads[MyEnum] = Reads[MyEnum] { js =>
(js \ "bar").validate[Int].map {
case 1 => Bar
case _ => Lorem
def selectFromJson(implicit con: Connection) =
SQL"""SELECT json FROM test WHERE id = ${"foo"}""".
The Java type java.util.UUID
is provided parameter and column conversions for PostgreSQL.
import java.util.UUID
import java.sql._
import anorm._, postgresql._
def insertUUID(implicit con: Connection) = {
SQL"INSERT INTO test_seq VALUES(${UUID.randomUUID()})".executeUpdate()
// UUID is passed as PostgreSQL UUID type
def selectUUID(implicit con: Connection) =
SQL"SELECT * FROM test_seq".as(SqlParser.scalar[UUID].*)